
GRSF @ Transforming Transportation 2022

February 18, 2022
Join GRSF's Knowledge Booth at Transforming Transportation 2022

Learn more about evidence-based knowledge to address the road safety crisis.

The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) is a global multi-donor fund hosted by the World Bank. Its mission is to help governments develop road safety management capacity and scale up road safety delivery in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). GRSF provides funding, knowledge, and technical assistance designed to scale-up the efforts of LMICs to build their scientific, technological, managerial and delivery capacities for road safety.

Live Presentations & Discussions

Let’s save lives on the road! Join the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) booth to learn more about evidence-based knowledge to address the road safety crisis. During the next days, we will present:

Day 1: Wednesday, February 16

09:55 AM – 10:05 AM: Demonstration of the updated road safety toolkit

Presenters Blair Turner, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF & Alina Burlacu, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF

11:05 AM – 11:20 AM: Demonstration of the new Road Safety Design Guide

Presenters Blair Turner, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF & Sudeshna Mitra, Transport Specialist, WB GRSF

12:20 PM – 12:35 PM: Brief Introduction to the Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews

Presenters Alina Burlacu, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF & Blair Turner, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF. This is a brief pre-launch presentation of the Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews to showcase various aspects of the whole data collection process, such as road crash investigation, reporting and registration, checking completeness and consistency, storage, and accessibility - as well as analysis and use. Download the report.

2 PM – 2:35 PM: Technical Presentation and Discussion on Road Safety Data

Technical Presentation: Importance of Road Safety Data & Availability of Population-Level Data Sources for Tracking the Incidence of Deaths and Injuries from Road Traffic Crashes in Low-Income and Middle- Income Countries Presenters: Sudeshna Mitra, Transport Specialist, GRSF & Juan Miguel Velasquez, Transport Specialist, GRSF Tracking progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3·6 of reducing traffic deaths and serious injuries poses a measurement challenge in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to large discrepancies between reported official statistics and estimates from global health measurement studies. In this study we assessed the extent to which national population censuses and health surveys can fill the information gaps by reviewing questionnaires for nationally representative surveys and censuses conducted since 2000 in LMICs. Download the report.

GRSF at Transforming Transportation 2022


Day 2: Thursday, February 17

12:15 AM – 12.30 AM: Online Demonstration of the GRSF Speed Management Hub

Presenters: Blair Turner, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF & Alina Burlacu, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF

01:30 AM – 02:00 AM: Active Transport Mobility and Safety

Presenters: Marisela Ponce the Leon Valdes, Transport Specialist, GRSF & Alina Burlacu, Senior Transport Specialist, WB Activities implemented in the Philippines to increase and strengthen active mobility will be shared and discussed upon; these include among others Designing, adapting, and building hundreds of kilometers of infrastructure for active transport with GRSF’s -supported by BIGRS- technical assistance on ensuring the new cycling infrastructure could meet safety standards; reviewing guidelines and a series of road safety audits and inspections. Learn more from the blog: From Crisis to Opportunity: How the Philippines Built 500km of Bike Lanes in Less Than a Year.

EST time

09:30 AM – 09:45 AM: Online Demonstration of the GRSF Speed Management Hub

Presenters Alina Burlacu, Senior Transport Specialist, GRSF & Marisela Ponce the Leon Valdes, Transport Specialist, GRSF. Learn more from the blog: Why is Speed Hurting so many People.

10:45 AM – 11:15 AM: Traffic Speed, Active Transport Mobility and Safety

Presenters Juan Miguel Velasquez, Transport Specialist, GRSF & Sudeshna Mitra, Transport Specialist, GRSF. Learn more from the blog: From Crisis to Opportunity: How the Philippines Built 500km of Bike Lanes in Less Than a Year.

12:15 PM – 12:30 PM: Developing Speed Management Strategies and Action Plans

Presenters Juan Miguel Velasquez, Transport Specialist, GRSF & Blair Turner, Senior Transport Specialist, WB GRSF

1:45 PM – 2:15 PM: Technical Presentations and Discussions on Speed Management

Presenters: Sudeshna Mitra, Transport Specialist, GRSF & Juan Miguel Velasquez, Transport Specialist, GRSF Technical Presentation 1: Do Speed Limit Reductions Help Road Safety? Lessons from the Republic of Korea's Recent Move to Lower Speed Limit on Urban Roads Findings from a joint research by KOTI and WB on lessons from Korea’s recent Safe Speed 5030 policy on urban speed limits. Download the report.

Technical Presentation 2: Potential reductions in road fatalities and injuries from reducing current speed limits to recommended safe system speed limits in low- and middle-income countries

Findings from a conference paper presented in 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board