GRSF @ Transforming Transportation 2023
March 16, 2023
For its 20th Anniversary Edition, Transforming Transportation Returns to an In-Person Format
GRSF was actively engaged in the event in a variety of ways, ensuring that road safety was high on the conference’s agenda. Read below for more.
The 20th anniversary edition of the Transforming Transportation conference was held at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C. in March 2023. GRSF was actively engaged in the event in a variety of ways, ensuring that road safety was high on the conference’s agenda.
GRSF-Hosted Sessions
A panel discussion titled Strengthening Transport Resilience and Decarbonization Through Safer Roads, focused on the link between improving road safety and addressing climate change. This discussion, which was co-organized by GRSF and the World Resources Institute, highlighted the complementary nature of the two initiatives and encouraged conference participants to explore opportunities for collaboration.
In addition, GRSF collaborated with the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Transport Forum to host a side event, Safe Roads to Decarbonize Mobility. This event explored the impact of road safety investments on reducing transport emissions and how such investments could lead to a safer and more sustainable transportation system.
GRSF Knowledge Booth
To directly engage with the approximately 1,000 in-person attendees, GRSF set up a road safety knowledge booth, which provided participants with the opportunity to learn more about evidence-based interventions to address the road safety crisis.
Media Appearances
Said Dahdah, the Head of GRSF, was interviewed by CNBC Africa, the media partner of Transforming Transportation 2023, to discuss the challenges and opportunities for improving road safety in Africa. Said's interview highlighted the importance of GRSF's work and its commitment to reducing road traffic injuries and fatalities in Africa and across the globe.