
Report Launch Webinar: Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews

February 20, 2023
Mobility and Transport Connectivity

The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and the International Transport Forum (ITF) invite you to the launch of the Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews. 

Accurate road safety data are needed to understand road safety challenges in a country, design effective road safety policies, set appropriate targets, and monitor progress. However, many countries are still in the infancy of accurate data collection, analysis, and use (including related crash data systems), and are not necessarily aware of weaknesses in their system, which could prevent them from making sound analyses of their road safety problems. 

The Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and the International Transport Forum (ITF) invite you to the launch of the Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews. Join us to get to know the various aspects of the whole data collection process, such as road crash investigation, reporting, and registration, checking completeness and consistency, storage, and accessibility - as well as analysis and use.  

Agenda and Speakers:

  • Opening remarks, by Binyam Reja (The World Bank) & Stephen Perkins (International Transport Forum)  
  • Brief overview of the Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews, by Heike Martensen (Vias Institute) & Mirick Paala (The World Bank)
  • Case studies showcasing the application of the guide: 
    • Cambodia, by Wendy Weijermars (SWOV) and Alina Burlacu (The World Bank GRSF) 
    • Chile, by Alvaro Gomez (DGT, Spain) and Carla Medina (Government of Chile) 
  • Panel discussion and QA 
  • Closing remarks by Fred Wegman (Chair, International Transport Forum IRTAD Group and Professor, Delft University of Technology)

Webinar moderated by Veronica Raffo (The World Bank) and Veronique Feypell (International Transport Forum)

Report Launch Webinar Guidelines for Conducting Road Safety Data Reviews


About the Mobility and Transport Connectivity Series:

The Mobility and Transport Connectivity Series, launched by the Transport Global Practice, gathers evidence and promotes innovation and good practices relating to the development challenges addressed in transport operations and analytical and advisory services. For more Mobility and Transport Connectivity reports please go to Open Knowledge Repository or contact the Transport Knowledge Team.

About the Transport Global Practice:

The Transport Global Practice works with clients to facilitate the movement of people and goods, enabling access to jobs, markets, and essential services such as healthcare and education to stimulate economic and social development. 

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